Tips for using a rangefinder for archery Complete Guide

Are you having trouble mastering the art of using a rangefinder for archery? You don’t need to worry anymore!

This complete guide will help you master the technique with ease. You will learn valuable tips on how to use a rangefinder and improve your marksmanship accurately. So, let’s get started!

Archery rangefinders are extremely useful tools regardless of the archer’s skill level. They can be used to determine the distance to targets and make adjustments for wind speed and direction. Rangefinders can also help an archer identify difficult terrain features such as steep slopes, narrow tunnels, or unexpected obstacles.

When using a rangefinder in archery, there are several important tips that should be followed to ensure accurate and consistent results from one shot to the next. In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of rangefinder usage for archery and explain some tips for getting the most out of your device.

Choosing a Rangefinder

Rangefinders are vital tools for any archer. They help you get optimum accuracy from your shots and help you pick the right sight or stabilizer setup for your bow. The choice of a rangefinder may not be an exciting one. But with the wrong rangefinder, you may arrive at some unexpected and unwanted results. Therefore, it is important to choose the right rangefinder as it helps you make more informed decisions when shooting arrows.

When choosing a rangefinder, consider its size, weight, and display quality to fit your needs and preferences. You should also look at the type of construction material used in the body of the rangefinder to ensure durability in all weather conditions. Another consideration when looking at rangefinders is their magnification value that ranges from 6 times to 11 times; lower magnifications are best suited for slow-moving target activities such as archery whereas higher magnification levels are better for hunting more distant targets like deer or wild boar. Also consider whether a device has multiple targeting modes such as first-target priority and last-target priority modes; these devices can be utilized in tricky situations wherein bows with forward stabilizers block out portions of a target from view, making it difficult to determine which target is the intended one.

Lastly think about price point – cheaper does not always mean better quality so don’t discount devices based purely on price tag alone. The right rangefinder choice depends on how much accuracy, distance measuring performance and overall control you require whilst shooting arrows at given distances – just remember that a reliable product should deliver great results while being durable, lightweight and budget friendly!

Factors to consider when choosing a rangefinder

When shopping for a rangefinder for archery, it’s important to understand the various factors that can come into play. There are several things you should keep in mind when selecting a rangefinder, including accuracy and precision, range capabilities, ease of use, battery life and size.

Accuracy & Precision: Accuracy refers to the ability of a rangefinder to accurately measure distance while precision is its degree of detail or exactness. Rangefinders with higher accuracy and precision will help you reach your targets.

Range Capabilities: Depending on your hunting needs, different rangefinding capabilities might be right for you. You should compare ranges of similar models before making your purchase to ensure that it fits your needs. Most bow hunters prefer short-range capability while target shooters usually prefer long-range capability.

Ease Of Use: Ease of use is a major factor when considering different types of hunting equipment and electronics such as rangefinders. The simpler the model is to operate, the better it will be in the field when attempting to get quick results without fiddling with mix technology controls or settings by mistake. Ensure make sure that any model you choose is easy to read and operate – especially in low light conditions!

Battery Life: Battery life is another factor worth considering perhaps equally as important as accuracy & precision or ease-of-use when purchasing equipment for archery purposes; Selecting a model with dual power sources could be wise if you are concerned about extended trips or frequent hunting sessions where having an extra power source could come in handy incase one runs out prematurely unexpectedly – plus Powerbanks also make operations easier when dealing with outdoor activities too! It’s best practice too if you get hold of some spare batteries just in casest may come handy regardless! Scanners generally require rugged power sources; so make sure before buying any scanner model that’s it operating temperature range meets your requirements accordingly before making a decision –we cannot recommend higher grade options enough in this circumstance – preferably select models with Lithium Ion batteries designed for colder climates so they last longer as well!

Size: If weight & portability are essential factors then selecting compact size units from available option would be advisable., we all want our outdoor gear lightweight because who wants heavy bulky items during hikes pack walking? thankfully most modern scanners come relatively smaller designs thanks technological progression but sizes do still vary between manufacturers -make sure not to exceed permissible weights thresholds on any carries equipments whichever specific tasks at hand might dictate hence why always best check carefully before settling on an ideal solution!.

Types of rangefinders available

Rangefinders are invaluable tools for archery, allowing archers to accurately measure distance to their targets and adjust accordingly. They provide accuracy that is near impossible to achieve with a naked eye or by judging distances manually. There are several different types of rangefinders available, and each have their advantages and disadvantages based on their intended use, technology level, and skill level of the archer.

Optical rangefinders work essentially like binoculars and require the user to adjust two lenses — one for zoom and another for focus — while looking through them in order to find the correct distance to the target. These rangefinders are cost effective but can be difficult to use, particularly in low light conditions or in outdoor settings with lots of foliage.

Laser-based rangefinders work by emitting an invisible beam that bounces off objects within its range. When it hits a target, the beam reflects back towards the device where its distance is measured. This type of rangefinder typically allows for greater precision than optical models as well as a wider field-of-view making it easier to scan multiple targets at once. However, this type of equipment can be more expensive than its optical counterparts due to its advanced technology.

High end archery laser rangefinders come equipped with specialized features such as Bluetooth connections for smartphone integration which allow data from multiple shots and huntings trips to be synced across multiple devices — allowing practitioners track data from multiple hunts over time. Additionally, some laser rangefinders come with features like angle compensation which allow users to compensate horizontally or vertically inclined angles when calculating correct ranges — further improving accuracy when shooting at varying degrees of elevation (i.e hills/plateaus/ valleys).

Recommended rangefinders for archery

If you’re an avid archer, then the thought of using a rangefinder for your shots will have crossed your mind at some point. Not only can rangefinders make it easier to accurately judge distances but they can also save you time setting up compared to a traditional range finding technique. But with so many on the market, it can be difficult to decide what rangefinder will best suit your needs.

It is important to keep in mind that each style of shooting requires an appropriate type of rangefinder. Archery requires accuracy more so than speed and the right rangefinder can make all the difference when trying to hit a target at even long-range distances. If you want one that will cover all hunting and archery scenarios, then picking from one of these recommended devices would be smart:

– Nikon Arrow ID 5000 – This comprehensive model offers everything from line-of-sight readings up to 85 yards and angle compensation readings up to 800 yards. It has 6x magnification and Tru-Target priority selection for weather conditions, providing improved accuracy for longer shots no matter the lighting or terrain.

– Bushnell The Truth With Clear Shot – This device packs a lot in without being overly large or heavy, and with clear shot optics adds scan capabilities that are great when switching between multiple targets quickly. Its excellent performance is largely due to its 6x magnification and its ability to provide angle compensation readings up to 800 yards as well as line-of-sight measurements which cover 450 yards/20yards meters out in 7/200 yards meters increments respectively.

– Wildgame Innovations Halo X Ray 1000 laser Range Finder – this dual laser model works perfectly in conjunction with an archery target finder thanks to its angle compensation settings covering up 1,000yds along with easy bow mode settings making it suitable for most types of hunting scenarios too. Additionally, it includes 4x magnification bright LCD display giving crystal clear visuals in any condition allowing you greater levels confidence while shooting making it one of the best on the market currently available.

Setting Up the Rangefinder

When aiming a rangefinder at a target for the first time, it is important to set up the device correctly before attempting to gauge its distance. This will ensure the most accurate readings from the device and will enable you to more accurately calculate your shots.

Most rangefinders come with adjustable settings that allow you to customize them depending on the type of target that you are shooting at. To get started, begin by adjusting the eyepiece so that it brings your target into clear focus when looking through it. Then, adjust your reticle’s brightness setting to match both your environment and target — brighter settings should be used in darker lighting, while subtler settings should be used during bright daylight shooting scenarios.

Next, select the right mode for your target’s size and shape. Rangefinders typically have two modes: one for small targets (such as actual clay pigeons) and another for larger targets (such as long-distance shots). The mode selection will dictate how quickly or slowly each shot registers on the device’s display screen.

Finally, adjust any yardage modifiers such as less/more yards — these can help correct false readings due to wind or other environmental factors out of your control. Once all this is done you are good to go!

Mounting the rangefinder on the bow

Mounting a rangefinder on your bow enables you to quickly measure distances while shooting, helping to reduce errors. To do so, begin by attaching the appropriate mounting bracket to the top of the bow. Secure one side of the bracket with four screws and use a hex key to tighten them in place.

If you have purchased an adjustable bracket, make sure you open it up to provide enough space for your rangefinder. Then slide the bottom of the rangefinder into the curly side of the bracket and place downward pressure on it until it is firmly attached.

Finally, use an elastic band or Velcro strap to secure the rangefinder around your bow in order for it not to slip out during shooting. Mounting on a bow can be tricky however; if you need further guidance it is recommended that you consult your local archery pro shop.

The Basics - Bow Hunting for Beginners »

Calibrating the rangefinder

In order to ensure accuracy when using a rangefinder for archery, it is important to calibrate the device. Rangefinders are preset by the manufacturer, but this calibration can be off for different weather conditions and distances. To calibrate your device, set up a target with known distance (preferably at least 20 yards).

Start with the rangefinder at the lowest magnification setting and point it at the target. When you press the power button on your rangefinder, take note of the display reading. If it is off from the actual distance by 5 yards or more (for distances greater than 50 yards), you may need to calibrate further.

To do this, select your rangefinder’s “calibrate” setting and adjust each rangefinder emission frequency within that setting until you get readings that are as close as possible to the actual distance of your target. Once you have adjusted all frequencies accordingly, test it again – it should now read accurately over any ranges you typically use for archery.

Understanding the reticle and measurements

The reticle (cross-hairs) of a rangefinder can be used to measure the distance and size of an object. It features two thin lines that intersect and produce four lines that look like a cross, which gives the user an accurate representation of the distance. When looking through the viewfinder, you can use the four lines of the reticle to measure how big an animal or target is, or how far away it is. If you know how tall or wide something is in inches, you will be able to tell in what range you need to set your range finder for that distance. As mentioned before, when using like-size animals, standards do not apply as each animal’s size can vary significantly.

In order for a hunter to successfully use a rangefinder to determine distances accurately, they must first understand what all of its measurements mean. The first measurement is Angular Measurement (or AM), which measures in degrees and minutes of angle (MOA). This number varies based on what magnification your scope has so it should be noted beforehand for accuracy with objects further away. The second measurement unit refers to linear measurements that are either meters or yards – whichever one you have set it at before use – this will provide hunters with precision accuracy when shooting from farther distances than with just angular measurements alone.

Maintenance and Care

Rangefinders used for archery should be properly cared for in order to keep them functioning properly. This includes regular cleaning and maintenance:

  • After each use, wipe the rangefinder’s optics with a soft, clean cloth, such as a microfiber cloth. This will help remove any dust or debris that has accumulated on the lenses.
  • Use lens wipes, retractable cleaning brushes, and compressed air to gently clean the rangefinder lens and surfaces. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning your rangefinder.
  • If your rangefinder is not waterproof, apply a water-repelling coating (also referred to as “water-repellent”) to help it withstand water and moisture exposure when you are using it outdoors in wet conditions.
  • To maximize battery life and ensure accurate readings, replace batteries regularly according to your chosen model’s usage requirements.
  • Store your rangefinder in its original packaging or in an airtight container, out of extreme temperatures and away from direct sunlight when not in use. This will help protect it from moisture and dust build-up that can interfere with its accuracy over time.

Keeping the rangefinder clean

To ensure a precise and accurate range reading, it is important to keep your rangefinder clean and free of dirt, dust, and moisture. Use a soft lens brush or a microfiber cloth to gently wipe away any debris and moisture particles that may have collected on the lens. For more difficult messes, it may also be helpful to use an aerosol blower.

Once the device is completely free of dust and debris, store it in the accompanying case between uses to protect the lenses. If possible, avoid storing your device in extreme temperatures or damp areas since these can tend to warp lenses over time.

Storing the rangefinder properly

Careful storage and maintenance of your rangefinder will help to ensure your equipment is ready for use when you need it. Never keep your rangefinder in direct sunlight as this could lead to overheating and potentially damaging the battery or unit. Likewise, leaving it in extremely hot or cold temperatures for an extended period of time can reduce the life expectancy of your equipment and affect the operation of its settings.

When not in use, keep your laser rangefinder in a clean, protective case that shields it from dirt and moisture. This will help if you accidentally drop it—cases provide extra cushion and shock absorption. Batteries should also be removed when the rangefinder is not being used and stored separately to avoid corrosion caused by direct contact with non-rechargeable batteries. Keeping multiple sets handy means you’ll have a fully charged set ready to go when needed.

Finally, check the user’s manual before using any cleaning solutions on the optics of your rangefinder as this can cause discoloration or blurring that can ultimately ruin a good shot!

Battery maintenance

For a rangefinder to give you the best performance, it will require a certain amount of battery maintenance. You’ll want to make sure that your rangefinder has fresh batteries so that it can produce accurate measurements. To do this, make sure that you are replacing your batteries as soon as they begin to die.

You should also avoid leaving your rangefinder in extreme temperatures. Excessively hot or cold temperatures can cause the battery to die more quickly and may even cause permanent damage to the battery or rangefinder itself. If you are going on an extended trip, make sure to pack spare batteries in a secure container so that you can easily switch them out if necessary. Additionally, some newer models will allow for rechargeable batteries which are ideal for those who may be using their device frequently in the field.

10 Simple Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Rangefinder | Mossy Oak


As you can see, using a rangefinder in archery can help you greatly improve your accuracy and consistency in shooting. Whether it be in hunting or competition, the rangefinder can give you a great edge over your competitors, ensuring that you hit your intended target.

However, rangefinders don’t come cheap and may require some additional training for proper use. Once you get used to the features of the rangefinder, though, it can be an invaluable tool for improving both accuracy and confidence as well as making sure you never waste a shot!


How do you use a range finder? 

To use a range finder, you need to point it at the target you want to measure the distance of, and then press the button or trigger to activate the device. The range finder will emit a laser beam that bounces off the target and returns to the device, which then calculates the distance and displays it on the screen.

What should I aim at with a rangefinder?

 You should aim at the target you want to measure the distance of with a rangefinder. This could be an animal, a landmark, a flag on a golf course, or any other object you need to know the distance to.

Why use a rangefinder for archery? 

A rangefinder can be useful for archery because it allows you to accurately measure the distance to your target, which is important for making accurate shots. This can help improve your accuracy and increase your chances of hitting your target.

How do you hold a rangefinder steady?

 To hold a rangefinder steady, you should use both hands and keep your elbows close to your body to reduce shaking. You can also use a tripod or monopod to stabilize the device.

What is bow mode on range finder?

 Bow mode on a range finder is a setting that is designed specifically for archery. It takes into account the trajectory of an arrow and provides an adjusted distance that takes the arrow’s flight path into consideration.

What are the cons of rangefinder? 

Some potential cons of using a rangefinder include the cost of the device, the need for batteries or charging, and the fact that it may not be legal to use in certain hunting or shooting situations.

Should a beginner use a rangefinder? 

It is not necessary for a beginner to use a rangefinder, but it can be helpful in improving accuracy and learning how to judge distances. However, beginners should also learn how to estimate distances without relying solely on a rangefinder.

Can you point rangefinder at ground? 

Yes, you can point a rangefinder at the ground, but it will not provide a distance reading unless there is an object or target in the line of sight.

Is rangefinder good on bows? 

Yes, a rangefinder can be very useful for bows, especially when using the bow mode setting, as it can help compensate for the arrow’s trajectory and improve accuracy.

What is the best range for archery? 

The best range for archery will depend on the individual archer’s skill level and the type of bow being used. Generally, a range of 20 to 30 yards is a good starting point for beginners, while more advanced archers may be comfortable shooting at longer distances.

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